
Care To Ask | Conversation Starters for Mental Health Awareness Month
This Mental Health Awareness Month, we’re challenging you to #CareToAsk. Loneliness is a global health threat and it’s getting worse. Experts claim that nearly 1 in 4 adults across the world reported feeling very or fairly...
By The Mental Health Coalition
Parenting the Digital Generation
In today’s digital age, where screens and social media have become integral to our lives, parents face the ever-evolving challenge of guiding teenagers through the complexities of screen time and...
By The Mental Health Coalition
MHC’s College Mental Health Toolkit
The MHC College Student Mental Health Toolkit is designed to equip college students with the resources, services, and support needed to thrive as they transition into the beginning of adult life. Inside this...
By The Mental Health Coalition
Reveal How You Feel — How to Deal with Your Emotions
Emotions play a critical role in our lives by providing us with valuable information about ourselves and the world around us. They allow us to understand how we feel and...
By The Mental Health Coalition
How to Support Yourself — And Friends — Through Difficult Emotions
We all go through difficult emotions from time to time, but it can be tough to navigate when you or a friend are in the thick of it. Scroll through...
By The Mental Health Coalition
Supporting Your Teen’s Mental Health
Many teens struggle with their mental health and aren’t sure where to turn for help. Whether you’re a parent, educator, or another trusted adult in a teen’s life, we’re here...
By The Mental Health Coalition
Gratitude Matters
Gratitude matters. Although it’s not always easy, sharing your gratitude — with others or even with yourself — can be powerful. There are numerous mental health benefits of practicing gratitude,...
By The Mental Health Coalition
Tips for Connection & Belonging
We are living through a loneliness epidemic — 61% of young adults report feeling alone. But we can get through this together. We have tips, resources, and tools for finding...
By The Mental Health Coalition
Recursos De Salud Mental
Estamos rodeados por la salud mental, pero a menudo la malinterpretamos. A continuación, se ofrece una breve descripción que le permitirá desmitificar el significado de "salud mental" y como hablar...
By The Mental Health Coalition
Salud Mental Latina (En Español)
Un aspecto único de la cultura Latina es su riqueza, la cual da luz a una multitud de subculturas que son únicas en su propia manera, con sus propias prácticas...
By The Mental Health Coalition
How to Support & Advocate for Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) Mental Health
It’s BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month, so throughout the next few weeks we’re going to shine a spotlight on how to advocate for healing and social justice for specific communities...
By The Mental Health Coalition
How to Support & Advocate for Indigenous Mental Health
It’s BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month, so throughout the next few weeks, we’re going to shine a spotlight on how to advocate for healing and social justice for specific communities...
By The Mental Health Coalition
48 more stories to explore


If you or a friend need urgent assistance, call 911 immediately, or take your friend directly to the emergency room. If you feel it’s safe, stay with your friend, or find someone to stay with them until help arrives.

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You are never alone. Help is always available. For immediate support 24/7, reach out to the Crisis Text Line by texting COALITION to 741741, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. It’s free and it’s highly confidential, unless it’s essential to contact emergency services to keep you or your friend safe.


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