Back to school season is an exciting time, but it can also be nerve-racking. Being mindful about how to support mental wellbeing at this time of year can go a long way to make the experience smoother for both kids and parents. 

Read on to learn more about mental stress during back-to-school season, and to get tips for increasing wellbeing in both your child and yourself. A new school year doesn’t have to be so scary.

What is mental wellbeing?

…and why is it important during back-to-school time?

Mental wellbeing is a sense of emotional and cognitive wellness that is fueled by feelings of belonging, safety, and meaning in one’s life (more info here). While it is always important, its importance becomes stronger during life changes, and going back to school is one of those.

The back-to-school season often causes stress because of the many unknowns related to it. Some common questions kids have include:

  • “What will the new school year be like?”
  • “Will the classes be hard?”
  • “Am I prepared?”
  • “Will I be able to juggle all of my responsibilities this year?”
  • “What will my teacher(s) and classmates be like?”
  • “Will I fit in?”

And the questions that parents have are often similar, with the addition of:

  • “Will my kid be happy this year in school?”
  • “Will they do well?”
  • “Did I do enough to prepare them?”
  • “How will they manage the change?”

Not knowing the answers to these questions can cause stress that takes a toll on mental wellbeing. However, there are also simple actions we can take to help manage this stress, as outlined throughout this Roadmap.

How to manage mental stress during back-to-school season

Below are some tips for anyone managing the back-to-school period with their child. Take note of which ones resonate most with you and see if you can give them a try, or help your child consider which might be best for them. 

For your child/children

Pay attention. Look out for signs of mental health concerns like these:


Changes in appetite 

Shifts in energy (fatigue, taking long naps every day)

Difficulty sleeping

Headaches, stomachaches, nausea, or other aches or pains

Feeling jittery, or needing to move constantly

Not taking care of themselves (personal hygiene, wearing dirty clothes)


Irritability, feeling down, or other changes in mood

Feeling anxious, or worrying about typical daily activities

Trouble breathing, or new nervous habits/behaviors 

Avoiding responsibilities

Trouble thinking clearly, or having communication issues

Feeling defeated or hopeless

School & Friends

Change in academic performance or attitudes toward school

Signs that your child is being bullied or is bullying others

Wanting to stay home from school more often

Isolating themselves, feeling lonely, or less interest in friends

Less interest in activities or friends they used to enjoy

Conversation Starters

Below, scroll through some specific things you can say to start the conversation about back-to-school stress. Be sure to adapt these to an age-appropriate level for your child:


Supporting a transition to a new school

A transition to a new school can be extra difficult during the back to school season. Whether your child is transitioning to a new elementary, middle, high school, or college campus, big changes like this can cause anxiety, stress, or other disruptions in mood. Below are some actions you can take to help your child navigate this transition. 


Explore the campus with your child.

Visiting the school before the school year begins is a great way to make them feel more familiar with their new environment. Print out a map of the campus and have your child practice walking through a typical day at school. This may ease any anxiety about getting lost on the first day of school (source). 



Encourage extracurricular activities.

Talk with your child about any potential extracurricular activities they are interested in joining. Becoming involved in their school’s organizations will help them meet new people, learn more about themselves, and gain confidence. 



Arrange social activities before school starts.

Getting together with friends before the school year may help your child feel more comfortable in their social abilities and get them more used to the amount of interaction they will encounter (Bring Change to Mind).   


Check in with your child about their feelings regarding the new school year.

Your child may express anxiety about attending a new school. Rather than dismissing their fears, listen and remind them that it’s okay and you’ll get through it together. Additionally, you can help your child strategize about how to handle things they are worried about (Active Minds). 



Meet your child’s teachers early in the school year.

Introducing yourself to your child’s teachers can help ease your own anxiety about your child’s new school. Knowing the person your child is with during the school day can give you a better idea of their day-to-day experience. This also allows you to communicate with the teacher about your child’s needs. 



Research the resources available to your child.

Educate yourself about the mental and physical health resources available at your child’s new school. Communicate with your child about how people like school counselors can be useful resources during the school day (Bring Change to Mind)


For yourself

Pay attention. Look out for mental health concerns in yourself. This will help you take better care of yourself so that you can also better support your kid(s) during this time.


Low energy

Feeling distant, foggy, cloudy, or not like yourself 

Feeling fearful about your child attending school 

Difficulty sleeping

Changes in appetite 

Body aches, headaches, tension, nausea, or chest pain


Feeling down or sad most of the day

Feeling irritated, worried, or preoccupied by back-to-school tasks

Trouble concentrating 

Difficulty making decisions

Lack of interest in activities you typically enjoy

Guilt or shame about how you are filling your roles (e.g., parent, partner, friend, colleague)

A reminder about this time:

The back-to-school time, although it can cause stress, also provides a unique opportunity for growth. Periods of newness allow you to do things in a new and improved way. This is a good time to create healthy habits for both physical and mental wellbeing. For example, if you’re not used to checking in on your child’s mental health, this could be the time to start. Take the back-to-school time as an opportunity to bond, connect, and support your child through this change.



Check out the Mental Health Coalition’s Resource Library for additional information on boosting mental well-being.

Resource Library

If you would like to learn more about children’s mental health, here are some resources for further learning. In this way, both you and your child are learning during the back-to-school time. 

Bring Change to Mind

Bring Change to Mind is a nonprofit dedicated to encouraging dialogue about mental health and raising awareness about mental illness stigma and discrimination. Check out some of their multimedia campaigns and storytelling content here, like their Talk Tool to explore the many ways you can talk about mental health with people in your life. They also have a Pep Talk tool that allows you to browse encouraging videos about mental health and even create your own.  

Child Mind Institute

The Child Mind Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to understanding and treating children’s mental health and learning disorders. Their resources for families offer detailed information about children’s mental health concerns, disorders, and resources. They also have specific video resources that help parents navigate children’s mental health. 

Girls Inc.

Girls Inc. is a nonprofit inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold through direct service and advocacy. Their resource library includes fact sheets and articles about how to talk to your kids, as well as tips for encouraging young girls


Jed is a nonprofit organization promoting emotional health and suicide awareness and prevention among teens and young adults. Their website offers useful information for parents who want to help their teens. Their resource center has tips and information about promoting young adult mental health. They also offer campus-based programs and guides for high school and college students. 


Kids Mental Health Foundation

Kids Mental Health Foundation is an organization working to end the stigma around children’s mental health. Their Back to School Wellness Tool Guide has information on how to prepare children for back to school.


The Steve Fund

The Steve Fund is an organization dedicated to supporting the mental health of young people of color. Their blog contains information for students and families. They also have a ​youth healing space with mental health videos from real students and a Family Corner with tips for caregivers looking to support the young person in their life. 

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is a nonprofit organization that provides crisis and suicide intervention services for LGBTQ youth. Their resources include information for LGBTQ youth and allies, and a support center for school-related topics.

Active Minds

Active Minds is a nonprofit organization that supports mental health education and awareness for young adults. Their blog contains information on a variety of mental health topics, and they have a page dedicated to self-care tips for students. 


YourMomCares releases an annual Back-to-School Mental Wellness Checklist that helps parents support their child’s sense of self, provide coping mechanisms, and enhance their child’s functionality, productivity and sense of agency. This year’s annual checklist, in partnership with The Kids Mental Health Foundation, helps parents and kids prepare for the circumstances and emotions unique to back to school.


UCLA offers an online, self-paced, anonymous program designed for college students to develop skills and strategies to manage common mental health issues, like low mood, worry, panic, social anxiety and poor sleep.

Sandy Hook Promise

Sandy Hook Promise’s mission is to educate and empower youth and adults to prevent violence in schools, homes, and communities. They offer a Back-to-School Resource Hub that includes tools for educators, families, students, volunteers, and all “upstanders” to help keep kids safe.


This Roadmap was created by Naomi Torres-Mackie, Ph.D.; Khyia Ward, M.Ed., LAC; Anna Marie Fennell, M.Ed., MHC-LP; and Zoey FitzGerald Kidwell for The Mental Health Coalition.

Special thanks to Saks Fifth Avenue for partnering on the first edition of this Roadmap, published in 2021, which can be found here.


If you or a friend need urgent assistance, call 911 immediately, or take your friend directly to the emergency room. If you feel it’s safe, stay with your friend, or find someone to stay with them until help arrives.

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You are never alone. Help is always available. For immediate support 24/7, reach out to the Crisis Text Line by texting COALITION to 741741, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. It’s free and it’s highly confidential, unless it’s essential to contact emergency services to keep you or your friend safe.


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