
DBSA Mental Health Screening Center
Today is World Bipolar Day. Learn about the symptoms and get screened for Mania, Depression and Anxiety via the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance's Screening Center.   These online screening...
By Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
The Coalition’s Roadmap to Women’s Mental Health
Gender is a major part of life. It influences how we move through, how we see, and how we are viewed by the world. Although mental health among women looks...
By The Mental Health Coalition
Asian American & Pacific Islander Mental Health Resources
Racial trauma, or race-based traumatic stress (RBTS), refers to the mental and emotional injury caused by encounters with racial bias and ethnic discrimination, racism, and hate crimes. Due to long...
By The Mental Health Coalition
A Unified Vision for Transforming Mental Health and Substance Use Care
The Mental Health Coalition is proud to sign a historic vision to re-envision our country’s mental health and substance use care system, at a time when we may need it...
By Well Being Trust
Understanding Eating Disorders
If you’re living with disordered eating and struggling with your body image, you’re not alone. Learn ways to cope from MHC member organization, Crisis Text Line
By Crisis Text Line
Black History in the Making: Trevor Staff Reflect on a Life-Changing Year
Hear from The Trevor Project's Black employees who share their oral history to reflect on a life-changing year. They get personal about how 2020 impacted their relationship to mental health...
By The Trevor Project
121 Live: Corinne Foxx & Natalie McMillian
Every 1 needs to talk 2 some 1. That’s why we have partnered with Facebook to launch ‘121 Live’, an IGTV Series featuring advocates “going 121” with their 1 to discuss a...
By The Mental Health Coalition
The Coalition’s Language Guide
The language we use is powerful, so let's talk about it. If you feel a bit unsure about what language to use when describing mental health you, are not alone....
By The Mental Health Coalition
Flying Without Visibility: Coping When You Can’t See the Path Ahead
Dr. Doreen Marshall, Ph.D., AFSP Vice President of Mission Engagement and MHC member organization, shares how to cope when you can’t see the path ahead. This article originally appeared in...
By American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
NAMI NC Executive Board Member shares what Black History means to Him
Dempris Gasque is a community advocate with a passion for human rights & Co-Author of the bestselling book, "There is No Health Without Mental Health Anthology: Men & Mental Health...Let's...
Fountain House shares a 100 Days Mental Health Agenda for the Biden Administration
MHC member organization Fountain House has assembled a list of policy recommendations to support our collective mental health that are politically feasible, strategically sound, and morally imperative. Enacting the recommended...
By Fountain House
The Scaffold Effect: A New Book from the President of the Child Mind Institute, Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz, MD
In this new book, The Scaffold Effect, world-renowned child psychiatrist Dr. Harold Koplewicz, Founding president and director of the Child Mind Institute and MHC members organization shares how to prevent...
By Child Mind Institute
33 more stories to explore


If you or a friend need urgent assistance, call 911 immediately, or take your friend directly to the emergency room. If you feel it’s safe, stay with your friend, or find someone to stay with them until help arrives.

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You are never alone. Help is always available. For immediate support 24/7, reach out to the Crisis Text Line by texting COALITION to 741741, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. It’s free and it’s highly confidential, unless it’s essential to contact emergency services to keep you or your friend safe.


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